I Will Arrest Opuni For Akufo-Addo To Imprison Him – NDC Communicator

NDC Communications Officer for Asewase Constituency, Yakubu Tony Aidoo, has pledged to arrest former Chief Executive Officer for Cocobod, Dr. Stephen Opuni, and hand him over to the law enforcement agencies if the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, declares him wanted.
He told a local radio station in Accra, Okay FM, Saturday, that he is aware of the alleged wrongful conduct of the former Cocobod Boss whilst in office and is ever ready to assist the President to bring to book if he so wishes.
“If Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo will give me the chance to arrest Opuni, I swear, I will not hesitate in doing that. I physically fought with Opuni at the Jubilee Park in Kumasi two years ago. It was President Mahama who called and told me not to mind Opuni. He supervised the destruction of my car and I retaliated. I am happy God has punished him,” he noted.
Dr. Opuni, a top gun of the NDC was relieved of his post by the NPP administration on January 13, 2017, six days after the swearing-in of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.
A letter signed by the Executive Secretary to the President, Nana Asante Bediatuo reads: “In view of the urgency attached to this matter, please ensure that you hand over and cease to act as Chief Executive of Ghana COCOBOD not later than today 5pm on January 13, 2017.”
Some few days later, Dr. Opuni made the headlines after Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) invited him for questioning.
Reasons for his interrogation by the EOCO are sketchy.
While some believe that the former Cocobod CEO was being probed over the alleged role he played in union matters, others are of the view that that situation is far from the truth.
According to a report by The Chronicle, Dr. Opuni, is being investigated over the alleged transfer of huge sums of money by the management of the COCOBOD into a private account of one of the top security officials in the immediate past NDC government.
Similarly, the Cocobod management, headed by Dr. Opuni, allegedly abrogated a contact for the supply of solar lanterns for the cocoa growing areas.
Source: kasapa

Vandalism: 200 NPP 'Delta Force' attack Ashanti Regional Security Capo

More than 200 members of a self-styled security force affiliated with the governing NPP have attacked the Ashanti Regional Security Coordinator late Friday morning to physically hound him out of office.
The group known as Delta Force says it cannot work with George Agyei because he was 'not part of the struggle' to wrestle power from the NDC during the December 2016 general elections.
The group has been vocal in their resistance of the appointment of George Agyei and has insisted, a party person ought to occupy the post.
They had previously sent a petition to the Regional minister and other senior NPP figures in the party hoping the George Agyei decision would be rescinded.
But after no word from the party and the minister, they noticed that the newly appointed security capo had started work last Monday.
Believing that persuasion had failed, the NPP group escalated their opposition with force of action.
In an act of vandalism and levels of political thuggery unseen in the region, the NPP para-security stormed the Regional Coordinating Council in Nhyeiso which is the seat of the regional minister.
They broke Louvre blades vandalised furniture and ransacked the office of one of the region's topmost security capos in one swift move of unhindered bravado.
"There was blood all over the floor", Luv FM's Erastus Asare Donkor told Myjoyonline.com. A man sustained cuts on his body but explained, he deliberately cut himself with a Louvre blade to pronounce a curse on the security capo.
Erastus Asare Donkor reported that the NPP fanatics grabbed the defenceless security capo and manhandled him as they tried to force him out of office.
In an interview with Erastus Donkor, a leader of the group called on the President and the Security minister Albert Kan-Dapaah to reverse their decision.
Together with other supporters, they knelt down before the cameras and pleaded with the president to heed to their demands. He was emphatic, 'we cannot work him' adding ' while we were suffering from police beatings, he was seen no where among us'.Police PRO DSP Nketia Yeboah who confirmed the incident said a security team was dispatched from the Central Police Command in Kumasi to stop the brute show of unauthorised force.
He said no arrests have been made so far and vowed the police will deal with anyone found to have been part of the hooliganism.
Officials of the Regional Coordinating Council have expressed shock at the sudden Friday morning commotion in the office.
They say they have never witnessed such thuggery at the RCC.
Since a peaceful transfer of power through the ballot box, there has been waves of violence, political take-overs of offices and state facilities by NPP loyalist.
A more popular group, Invincible Forces has been fingered in acts of violence, but a new force, appears to be emerging.
A pregnant MAN gives birth to his own daughter after carrying baby when wife could not fall pregnant.Mar 23, 2017 7:41 AM A husband has revealed how he carried and gave birth to his own daughter, because his wife could not fall pregnant. Pictured sporting a beard as he showed off his pregnant belly, Chris Rehs-Dupin and his wife Amy knew when they met and fell in love in their 20s, working at a children’s summer camp, that they definitely wanted a family. With Chris - who was born Christina - being a pre-op transgender male, however, they planned for Amy to be the biological mum. But when five attempts of intrauterine insemination - fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a uterus to facilitate fertilisation – failed, Chris volunteered to carry their baby instead. He finally gave birth to their now two-year-old daughter, Hayden, naturally on December 20, 2014, after five rounds of IUI treatment and a miscarriage. Having Hayden made Amy even more determined to carry a baby herself and in 2016 she had Milo by caesarean section after a further round of IUI. Explaining their unusual parenting arrangements, Amy said: “We went through a lot of fertility treatments, until we finally reached a point where we needed to make a decision as to whether we were going to do more medical intervention or if we were going to switch bodies. “We were fortunate enough to have two uteruses. So, after a lot of thought and emotion and difficulties we switched to Chris.” And while Chris lived as a man and didn’t feel female, he was willing to use his womb, for the good of their family. Recalling their initial plans to have children, sales director Amy, 33, continued: “There was no question who would carry the baby. I couldn’t wait to be pregnant.” So, in January 2013, the couple visited their local obstetrics and gynaecology practice, near their home in Columbus, Ohio. They bought a batch of sperm from an anonymous donor, before choosing to use intrauterine insemination, placing the sperm inside Amy’s womb for fertilisation. But, sadly, three weeks later, the pregnancy test was negative. After five IUI attempts – each costing £750 failed, they resorted to drastic action – with Chris volunteering to carry their baby instead. It was another incredible step in this couple’s unique love story. Chris, 33, who now runs children’s summer camps, explained: ““When I went to university in 2007, I knew I wasn’t a woman and it was an easy realisation to make. “I didn’t want to take hormones, because I was happy with who I was and who I was presenting myself as, but I have always been very open with Amy.” Still, Amy’s love for Chris meant his gender was not an issue. She added: “By the time I met him, I knew the issue of his gender was at the forefront of his mind. “And, eventually, he became more masculine and lived as a man. “Chris was my soul mate. I loved everything about him. It didn’t matter what he looked like.” Cementing their love with a civil partnership in October 2012 and legally married in 2013, when the law changed, the couple were keen to have children. But, when Chris finally fell pregnant, despite their excitement, they both struggled with what was happening throughout the pregnancy. Amy confessed: “When Chris was pregnant it was really difficult, because I always thought I would be the one to carry our children. “It was definitely a strain and it was difficult.” And while Chris started to experience the physical signs of pregnancy - he was constantly sick and his belly and breasts grew – his changing hormones strangely made his natural goatee beard grow thicker and more prominent. “Some days, he looked like a man with a beer belly,” Amy joked. Being pregnant was also a confusing time for Chris. He admitted: “Being pregnant is such a female thing and that’s when I started to question that it was not what I was. “I don’t think I had a problem emotionally having a child, I wasn’t losing a part of my identity. I think the world had a bigger problem with it than I did. “Some people think men aren’t supposed to carry children, that’s the world we live in. So, I feel like the world would see it as emasculating, that it would make me less trans but not the case for me. For me it was an amazing experiencing.” But Chris insisted he did not want to breast feed. He said: “I had no intention of breastfeeding and I hated the fact my breasts had grown. “After years of binding them flat, any pressure now left me in agony.” Meanwhile, worried about bonding with her baby, Amy decided to take birth control pills, to trick her body into mimicking pregnancy. She also took a hormone called domperidone, to make her body produce breast milk. Neither Chris nor Amy will ever forget the precious moment, when Hayden was born, weighing 8lbs and 11oz, and they became parents for the first time. ‘I couldn’t believe we were parents,’ said Chris, who explained that Amy was legally registered as Hayden’s mother, while he was listed as ‘parent.’ “We both cried, holding her in our arms. Finally, our prayers had been answered.” Sadly, though, Amy didn’t produce enough, so they decided together that Chris would breastfeed Hayden after all. Ironically, however, being pregnant made Chris more certain than ever that he wanted to further his transition to become a man. He said: “I knew it would make me a better and a happier person, a whole person, to start a medical transition. “When my daughter came I knew I didn’t want her to be afraid of who she is and it’s important for me to model that behaviour.” The couple also knew they wanted a second child and as there wasn’t a medical reason why Amy couldn’t conceive, they decided to give it another try. “Seeing Chris carrying our baby increased my yearning to carry a child,” she explained. In October 2015 Chris had an appointment to start his medical transition. Then, in January 2016, he began having testosterone injections every 10 days, while Amy fell pregnant in the same month, on her first attempt. While the baby grew, Chris was undergoing his transition. His facial hair grew, his shoulders broadened and his features became more masculine. And their experiences, running in tandem, brought them closer. “When I was the pregnant one, because I had a husband who had been there before, it was different. He understood what I was going through, what I was feeling. It was a benefit that not a lot of women have,” Amy said. The delighted pair welcomed their second baby, Milo into the world, weighing 8lb 15oz on October 1, 2016. Amy said: “We’ve been on an incredible journey as a family, but we have two amazing kids and Chris is finally happy in his own body.” He added: “We would love to have a third child. I hope to have breast reconstruction surgery, but will not have a bottom surgery, or have my ovaries removed, so I haven’t ruled out carrying it. We’ll have to fight over it this time.”